Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is the official intelligent-EMB API documentation, created for users to interact with programmatically.. We are not affiliated with nor do we represent the school.
Obtain verification tokens, session ids and authentication tokens.
username required | string Username of user you are logging in |
password required | string Password of user you are logging in |
{- "success": true,
- "SESSION_ID": "...",
- "AUTH_TOKEN": "..."
Retrieve a board from Inbox
, My Messages
, Updated Messages
and My Drafts
veriToken required | string Verification Token |
authToken required | string Authentication Token |
sessionID required | string Session ID |
boardID required | string Board ID |
t | string Default: "0" type - 0, 1, 2, 3 for Inbox, Updated Messages, My Messages and My Drafts respectively |
postBy | string Filter posts by author (Only works for t=2) |
{- "success": true,
- "name": "Rasis Man",
- "message": "Messages fetched!",
- "messages": [
- {
- "date": "03-Feb-22",
- "sender": "RASIS MAN,",
- "username": "rasism,",
- "subject": "Why I'm called Rasis Man ,",
- "url": "/Board/content/69420?board=1048&isArchived=False,",
- "boardID": "1048,",
- "pid": "69420,",
- "urgency": "Important,",
- "recipient": "2022 JC1 IP & DSA;,",
- "viewCount": "3842",
- "replyCount": "992",
- "read": true
Retrieve a board from Archived
veriToken required | string Verification Token |
authToken required | string Authentication Token |
sessionID required | string Session ID |
boardID required | string Board ID |
page | string Default: "1" Page |
sender | string Filter posts by sender |
subject | string Filter posts by subject |
content | string Filter posts by content |
{- "success": true,
- "name": "Rasis Man",
- "message": "Messages fetched!",
- "messages": [
- {
- "date": "03-Feb-22",
- "sender": "RASIS MAN,",
- "username": "rasism,",
- "subject": "Why I'm called Rasis Man ,",
- "url": "/Board/content/69420?board=1048&isArchived=False,",
- "boardID": "1048,",
- "pid": "69420,",
- "urgency": "Important,",
- "recipient": "2022 JC1 IP & DSA;,",
- "viewCount": 3842,
- "replyCount": 992,
- "read": true
], - "totalPages": "69",
- "currentPage": "1"
Retrieve a board from Starred
veriToken required | string Verification Token |
authToken required | string Authentication Token |
sessionID required | string Session ID |
boardID required | string Board ID |
page | string Default: "1" Page |
{- "success": true,
- "name": "Rasis Man",
- "message": "Messages fetched!",
- "messages": [
- {
- "date": "03-Feb-22",
- "sender": "RASIS MAN,",
- "username": "rasism,",
- "subject": "Why I'm called Rasis Man ,",
- "url": "/Board/content/69420?board=1048&isArchived=False,",
- "boardID": "1048,",
- "pid": "69420,",
- "urgency": "Important,",
- "recipient": "2022 JC1 IP & DSA;,",
- "viewCount": 3842,
- "replyCount": 992,
- "read": true
], - "totalPages": "69",
- "currentPage": "1"
Retrieve a post.
veriToken required | string Verification Token |
authToken required | string Authentication Token |
sessionID required | string Session ID |
boardID required | string Board ID |
pid required | string Post ID |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Post successfully fetched!",
- "post": "...",
- "attachments": [
- {
- "url": "Board/showFile?t=2&ctype=1&id=95326&file=dummy.pdf&boardId=1048",
- "fileName": "dummy.pdf",
- "fileType": "2",
- "fileID": "95326",
- "boardID": "1048",
- "cotainerType": "1"
], - "postInfo": {
- "title": "You're so cute",
- "sender": "LIU JIASHU",
- "receiver": "EVERYONE",
- "date": "February 02, 2022 09:54:42 PM"
}, - "postReply": {
- "canReply": true,
- "selection": "A",
- "text": "I really agree with this statement"
Download attachment from post
veriToken | string Verification Token |
authToken | string Authentication Token |
sessionID | string Session ID |
object Attachment Info (See getPost example) |
{- "success": false,
- "message": "Missing parameters"
Reply to a post
veriToken required | string Verification Token |
authToken required | string Authentication Token |
sessionID required | string Session ID |
boardID required | string Board ID |
pid required | string Post ID |
replyContent | string Content to reply with |
selection | string Option to reply with |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Successfully replied"
Update the "starred" status of a post
veriToken required | string Verification Token |
authToken required | string Authentication Token |
sessionID required | string Session ID |
bid required | string Board ID |
pid required | string Post ID |
status required | boolean Status |
{- "success": true,
- "message": "Successfully starred message"